Occurrence of an Earthquake

Concept Explanation

Occurrence of an Earthquake

How an Earthquake occurs: Earthquake generally occurs at plate boundaries (also called seismic zones or fault zones). Here is a simplified description of how an earthquake happens.

  • The plates rub against each other as they move. Pressure builds up against these rough edges.
  • As the pressure builds up continues, the edges give way. The resulting sudden movement of the plates causes an earthquake. The point where the edges give way is called the focus. The point vertically above the focus on the surface of the earth is called the epicentre.
  • Vibrations caused by an earthquake travel in the form of waves within the earth or along the surface of the earth. These waves are called seismic waves.  Alaska is the most earthquake prone state in the world. It experience a magnitude of 7.0 earthquake every year and a magntiude 8.0 or greater earthquake approximately once every14 years.
  • Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Vibrations caused by an earthquake travel in the form of waves within the earth or along the surface of the earth. These waves are called __________________________.

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    Earthquake can be predicted in advance.

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    Earthquakes occur at which portion of plates?

    Right Option : B
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